

【Essay】Twitter plans to remove and archive inactive accounts

This time, I'm going to summarize and give my opinion.



According to the article, Elon Musk, the current CEO of Twitter has announced plans to remove accounts left dormant for "several years". But Users have been criticise as people feared losing access to accounts of relatives who had died.

While there is an opinion that historic tweets such as tweets of victims of tragedy should be left, some argue that inactive accounts should be archived to free up the usernames.

As recently as April 2023 the policy said users only needed to log in every six months, "several years" is not explicitly mentioned.



The first thing I thought after reading the article was how to distinguish between the accounts of those who have passed away and those who have just left dormant.


Assume if you want to keep the accounts of those who have passed away, their family members can apply to Twitter. As for the deceased's belongings, I believe that they are basically transferred to the family.


In the U.S, accounts are sometimes publicized so that their real names can be seen, but in Japan, they are used anonymously for security reasons. I expect that in many cases, families are not informed of their accounts. If the above assumptions are ture, I think that the accounts of those who have passed away could be removed without being retained.



dormant 休止状態の、睡眠状態の、活動していない

hint-hinted 示唆する、仄めかす

idle (人が)働いていない、(機械などが)動いていない、遊んでいる

abandoned (人が)見捨てられた、(物が)放棄された

relatives 親戚

publicize 公表する、公にする

assumption 仮定、予測、前提、想定

retain 保持する、留めておく